What we believe
To learn about what we believe please view our Doctrinal Statement.
To learn more about Aaron Wentz Click Here.
About the Seminar
The Michigan School of Apologetics (MSOA) is a traveling apologetic seminar to area churches in Michigan.
Each church that hosts the school will have Aaron come and teach once a week for six weeks. Each class will consist of two hours of teaching with one fifteen minute break.
The purpose of The Michigan School of Apologetics is to train Christians to become confident in what they believe, show that Christianity is true and defensible, and to grow confident witnesses for Christ.
The teaching style is instructional teaching, group discussions, dialogue, questions and answers, and the use of short videos. When the school is completed, students will have been taught twelve hours of theological, evangelism and apologetic training.
The school is flexible on times and dates, can be held on a week night for six weeks, or possibly on the weekend. Students are encouraged to accomplish minimal homework during the week, and a graduation certificate will be given upon completion.
The fee for the six-week seminar is $65.00 a person.
Full-time students are $45.00 a person. This includes all your training materials and graduation certificate. Checks can be made out to MSOA.